Restoring the Comptroller’s Role As Baltimore’s Most Important Advocate and Watchdog

As your next Baltimore City Comptroller, Bill Henry will change how our City is run and who it is run for.

Bill was elected Councilman in District 4 three times because voters know that he’s an independent voice who is accountable to the public. As Councilman, Bill built trust among District 4 community leaders that their interests would be honestly and persistently represented at City Hall. As Comptroller, Bill will fearlessly pursue the public interest and rebuild trust in Baltimore City government. That’s what real accountability requires.

To do this, Councilman Henry has developed a four-point approach to changing Baltimore from the ground up, not the top down. 

  1. Letting the Sunshine In. As Comptroller, Bill will provide an independent perspective on City government, crucial for true transparency and accountability. No other elected official reviews as much information about City government as the Comptroller, and it’s long past time that this information be made accessible to the public.
  1. Auditing with Impact. We need an audit plan that drives transformative change at City government. Just completing audits is not enough; they must have real impact. Bill has developed a list of 10 priority audits he will pursue in his first year in office, and he will also audit certain departments annually. He will also refocus performance auditing on the outcomes that matter to the public.
  1. An Independent Voice in City Hall. The Comptroller can be the most powerful advocate in the City, with access to information, staff resources, and potential for a working relationship with the City Council and the Inspector General. Bill will lead by transforming the office into one that is forward looking.
  1. A Fair Economy. We know our economy in Baltimore doesn’t work for everyone, and the Comptroller’s office should provide the independent analysis that tells us where we must improve. Bill Henry will provide an annual review of key areas of our City’s economy until it works for all of us.